At the end of 2022, Processium expanded its laboratory capacities to create two expertise centers: one dedicated to the solid chain and the other to chemical reaction.
01. Solid chain
Crystallization is an essential separation technique to purify solid products. Over the last 15 years, Processium has been developing a proven methodology in order to design efficient end-to-end crystallization processes. The increase of projects involving crystallization process over the last years has led us to expand our experimental capacities.
Therefore, all our equipment and tools regarding crystallization, solid/liquid separation (filtration and centrifugation), washing and drying are gathered within this new laboratory.
As a reminder, the services offered by Processium concerning the solid chain are very complete:
- Acquisition of source data (solubility curves, thermal stability, viscosity)
- Orientation and proof of concept testing
- Choice of the crystallization mode: cooling, evaporative or vacuum cooling
- Crystal filterability and drying studies
- Study on recycling and processing of mother liquors
- Testing to optimize operating conditions
- Process simulation, sizing and cost estimates
- Support in working with an equipment provider
02. Chemical reaction
Processium is deeply convinced that the reaction and purification stages should be studied in parallel to obtain the best possible overall process. For this reason and to complete its chemical reaction service offer, the company decided to expand its laboratory capacity.
This new workspace will host a milli-fluidic facility in order to acquire kinetic data under demanding conditions (fast kinetics and high exothermics) and operating in continuous mode. In addition, this laboratory will give Processium the opportunity to test intensified continuous commercial reactors from different suppliers.
Thus, Processium is able to provide a wide range offer to support its customers in the development of their processes:
- Experimental tools to acquire key data and to experimentally validate proposed solutions
- Innovative digital tools to identify and select the best technologies, as well as modelling and simulation tools
- Chemical engineering expertise and innovative abilities thanks to the support of its joint laboratory with the CP2M team